News & Insights

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Uni Vs Trade
Uni vs. Trade: How to Choose the Best Path for Earning Big and Securing Your Future
Alright, let’s cut to the chase: should you hit the books at uni or dive into a trade?…

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12 Questions You Need to Ask about Employee Engagement
Are You Breaking the Rules You Should Be Breaking? There’s a lot of talk about employee engagement – how excited…

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Elevate Your Hiring Game: Why ‘I Like You’ Isn’t Enough
Do you recruit based on the ‘I like you’ factor? If you are a manager who…

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3 Tips on How to Find the Best Jobs in Mining
Are Job Boards Hiding Jobs from You? No, SEEK’s not hiding jobs from you, but it’s not gonna show you…

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The Ultimate Guide for New Drillers Offsiders: Preparing for Success on a FIFO Journey
So you’ve proven that you’re tough enough to be a Drillers Offsider. The next stage is giving you the tools…

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Master the job interview
Master the Job Interview: Boost Your Success with Emotional Intelligence Tactics
Done with your interview prep yet? There’s one more thing missing before you can say that you’re truly…

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Attract top trades in mining
In the Australian Mines: A Blueprint for Attracting Top Mining Trades
Attracting mining trades in Australia is no easy feat, as the industry demands a unique set of skills,…

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Australian mine site
Unlocking Success: Top Entry-Level Jobs in Australian Mining for Your Career
Down in Australia, the mining sector is a real powerhouse in the economy thanks to its abundance of…

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Australian and NZ flags
Unveiling the Golden Opportunity: Why New Zealanders with Electrical Skills are Flocking to Australia
Good news for New Zealand citizens living in Australia!  From July 1, 2023, the Australian Government…

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