How to survive FIFO over Christmas

There’s pros and cons to every job. One of the cons of FIFO life is your swing may coincide with Christmas. Of course, you would rather be anywhere but work during the holidays, but like other workplaces, mining jobs require work through to the new year. 

The festive season can be challenging whether you’re working or not. Studies have shown stress, anxiety and depression increase during this time. So the most important thing to remember is to take extra care of yourself and plan ahead. 

At Aston Advantage, we advocate for your well-being and want you to stay healthy, happy and safe over the silly season. That’s why we’re giving you some helpful tips for surviving FIFO during Christmas.

Remember you’re not alone

Remember, you won’t be the only one working over the Christmas break. Doctors, nurses, police officers and hospitality staff all work over the holidays, not to mention your mates with a mining job! It’s easy to get lost in negative thoughts when you see everyone’s catch-ups over social media, but remind yourself that you’re not alone! 

Make an effort with your FIFO community

Have you got a group of mates on-site? Find out who will be working during the holidays and make a plan to catch up. New to FIFO life? Make it a goal to connect with at least one person on Christmas Day (if that’s what you celebrate). Catching up with your mates on site will keep your mind off home and create stronger connections at work. 

Connect with friends and family online

You may be tempted to avoid all interaction and get on with the job, but isolation is never a good idea. Staying connected with your family and friends is particularly important during this time of year. So schedule a time for a video call with your favourite people – even a 15-minute call will brighten your mood. And seeing your loved ones’ faces will make them feel less far away.

Make plans to look forward to when you get home

You may be working now, but you will be on R&R in no time, so book in things you want to do when you get home. Make plans to look forward to when you get home. Book in drinks with you mates, plan family dinners or even a weekend away – whatever will get you excited about your return home. Having something to look forward to will help you get through your swing and soften the blow of working over the festive season.

Working FIFO over Christmas? Aston Advantage will support you. We’re dedicated to making your transition into a mining job easier and are open over the break. Feel free to connect.

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